Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Applications for International Short Film, Video and Photography Symposium have Started!

International Short Film, Video and Photography Symposium, which is among the executives of Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Doğan, one of the academicians of Radio and Television and Cinema Department, will be held on 19-21 October 2023.
Organized by the Apart Art Association, the International Short Film, Video and Photography Symposium, supported by Istanbul Development University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), will take place at Kadıköy Barış Manço Cultural Center on 19-21 October 2023. In a holistic approach, the symposium, which covers short films, video and photography areas and tries to draw attention to the artistic potential of these areas, focuses on uncertainties and abuse in social sciences.
A First in the Field

Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Doğan, the head of the Department of Radio and Television and Cinema, one of the executives of the symposium, underlined that it is the first in the field of the symposium. Dogan, the purpose of the symposium, short films, videos and photographs, especially in the coverage area of all the subjects to produce creative knowledge and meaning, to bring criticism, possibly talking and making imagination. He added that the symposium believes that at least in Turkey will eliminate a deficiency and will be met with interest by the academic community.
Applications are Open

Applications for the symposium, which set out with the aim of producing thoughts, comments, horizons, imagination and criticism through short films, videos and photographs, were started to be received.

The other headlines determined by the symposium as the subject, especially the thoughts, comments and criticisms produced through short films, videos and photographs, are as follows:

- Video Art
- New Media
- Digital Game
- Animation
- Documentary
- VR
- New Media Documentary
- Non Narrative Movie
- Middle-metrage
- Experimental Movies

For the symposium where presentations will take place in Turkish and English, the final delivery date was determined as June 1, 2023.

For all developments in the symposium, you can follow the official website and social media accounts.


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