Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 An Interview Titled "Concept Determination and Application in Store Design" Was Held!

The interview "Concept Determination and Application in Store Design", organized by Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA), Department of Interior Architecture, took place on December 19, 2023, at 11:00, at Block K Firnas Auditorium.
The conversation titled "Concept Determination and Application in Store Design", organized by Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA), Department of Interior Architecture, with the guest participation of Interior Architect Volkan Polat, will be held on December 19, 2023, at 11.00, It took place at Firnas Auditorium, Block K. Approximately 90 people, including students and faculty members from the Department of Interior Architecture, attended the talk.
The conversation started with the opening speech of Adem Özer, Head of Department of Interior Architecture. Then Interior Architect Volkan Polat introduced himself and started his presentation. Polat first talked about his undergraduate and graduate education process. After talking about the projects he took part in after graduating from undergraduate education, he shared with the students his process at Mavi Jeans, where he worked as Project Manager for many years.
Design and Application Stages in Housing Projects
In the second part of his presentation, Polat shared his experiences in retailing with the students. Then, he explained the "Preparation Stages of the Store Design Project" under headings along with all the affecting conditions. The effects of issues such as the Province in which the Store is Located and Sales Rates (Female-Male), Average Summer and Winter Temperature of the Province in which it is located, Segment of the Store, Every 50 meters, Determination of Cashier Location, Determination of Cabinet Locations, Determination of Denim Kitchen Locations, Number of Sections, etc. on the store design process. mentioned.
After the presentation, the question-answer session began. Students asked Volkan Polat the questions they were curious about about the sector. They were asked for their opinions and advice on what kind of work should be done, starting from the student period, to become an interior designer in a corporate company. In addition, after answering the questions about the importance and necessity of modeling in retailing, the event ended with the plaque presentation.
We would like to thank Interior Architect Volkan Polat for his participation in this event.


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