Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 The Tenth of the Interior Architecture Talks Was Held with the Participation of Lecturer Dr. Özlem Yeşildal, Umut Pınar and Kaan Uludağ

Interior Architecture Talks #10”, was held with the participation of Lecturer Dr. Özlem Yeşildal, Umut Pınar and Kaan Uludağon on 19 April 2022 at 13:00, at Istanbul Gelişim University K Block, Firnas Auditorium.
Interior Architecture Talks #10”, was held with the participation of Lecturer Dr. Özlem Yeşildal, Umut Pınar and Kaan Uludağon on 19 April 2022 at 13:00, at Istanbul Gelişim University K Block, Firnas Auditorium. In the first part of the event, which took place in three sessions, Lecturer Dr. Özlem Yeşildal, lecturer at Istanbul Gelişim University, Interior Architecture, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design Departments spoke on market surveillance and control in building materials. In the second session, Kalekim Management Systems Manager Umut Pınar made a presentation on management practices at Kalekim, while the last session ended with Kalekim Domestic Markets Marketing Manager Kaan Uludağ's presentation on "Innovation Examples from Kalekim: Bi'boya and Visuelle". Interior Architecture, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design faculty members and department students participated in the talk.

The opening of the talk was made by the Head of the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (Tr & Eng), Department of Interior Architecture, Asst. Prof. Zerrin Funda Ürük. While he was talking about the importance of the content and continuity of the interviews, he briefly talked about the content of the event and left the floor to the guests to hold the sessions.

The speaker of the first session, Lecturer Dr. Özlem Yeşildal, in her presentation on market surveillance and control in building materials, touched on the definition of building surveillance and control and its place in our country. Yeşildal gave information on the recall of the product, which was found to be faulty/unsafe in the surveillance and inspection of building materials, from the market and not putting it into construction, and then explained in detail, with diagrams, examples, how this surveillance and control mechanism works from the manufacturer to the product released to the market.

In the second session of the talk, Kalekim Management Systems Manager Mr. Umut Pınar gave brief information about the company's history, employee and customer scale, mission and mission, and gave information about the applied management systems and objectives. He underlined that the system, which has various purposes such as being customer-oriented, providing image-reputation, improving relations with stakeholders and ensuring employee participation, is directly related to the vision and strategies of the company. Emphasizing the importance of customer feedback, Pınar stated that the system works in coordination with various steps within itself, and underlined that the efficiency of the company's project management process is supported by awards. The second session ended with a question and answer session.

In the last session of the talk, Kalekim Domestic Markets Marketing Manager Kaan Uludağ made his presentation. In the presentation that proceeded through Bi'Boya, Bi'Usta and Visuelle, which are the sub-organizations of Kalekim, Uludağ explained the importance of creating a purpose-oriented marketing strategy and how the company's paint sales strategy is shaped in a user-oriented manner. Then, briefly introducing the applications and products, Uludağ concluded his presentation by mentioning the success rates of the company from these strategies. After the question and answer part, the interview, ended with Asst. Prof. Zerrin Funda Ürük's thanking the guests for their contributions and presenting their plaques.


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