Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

  About Single Course and Grade Improvement Exams

Single Course Exam

Students who are at the graduation stage and have only one theoretical course left, which they have previously failed and which prevents them from graduating, may apply for the Single Course Exam.

Single Course Exam Application Form

Grade Improvement Exam

Students who have passed all their courses, including conditionally passed ones, but cannot graduate because their overall grade point average is less than 2.00 out of 4.00, may apply for the Grade Improvement Exam.

Grade Improvement Exam Application Form

Note: Applications submitted after 17:00 on September 16, 2024, will not be processed.

The relevant articles regarding students eligible to take the exams in the IGU Associate and Undergraduate Education and Exam Regulations are listed below:

ARTICLE 25(7) (Amended:OG-3/9/2023-32298)(4) Except for the courses that complete the normal education period and have a vocational or field application that requires attendance, students who have only one unsuccessful course in which they fulfill the attendance requirement for graduation and who complete their compulsory internship are given a single course exam right for the courses (such as 3+0, 3+2, 2+2, 1+2) applied in the classroom environment such as a laboratory or workshop. For courses that are all practical (such as 0+2, 0+4, 0+6, 0+8), the right to a single course and a grade increase exam is not granted. The contribution of the activities during the semester is not sought in the calculation of the success grade of these courses. The student who fails in the single course exam cannot take the single course exam in the following academic year and in the semester in which the course is opened or in the summer school without re-enrolling in the course. They can take the one course exam again on the dates specified in the academic calendar on the date after the course is taken again.

ARTICLE 25(9) (Amended:OG-3/9/2023-32298)(4) Associate degree students who have taken all the courses in the curriculum, who have been successful or conditionally successful, but who cannot graduate because their general weighted grade point average is less than 2.00 out of 4.00, are given the right to take an exam to increase the general weighted grade point average on the dates specified in the academic calendar, if they want from the courses other than the first two semesters in their curriculum and the undergraduate students do not have to attend the first four semesters. The grade point average of the student who takes the promotion exam is processed as a success grade. Students who fail the general grade point average upgrade exam can take the general weighted grade point average upgrade exam again in the following academic year with the same application conditions, without looking for the condition of enrollment in the courses. However, students who fail in the general weighted grade point average (GPA) upgrade exam (FF) must enroll in the courses they fail in the following academic year and in the semester in which the courses are opened or in the summer school and pay the tuition fee per course/credit. The student cannot take the grade promotion exam again from the same course he/she failed. In addition, during the same exam period, the student cannot apply both to increase the overall weighted grade point average and to a single course exam.