Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 4th National Building Congress

The 4th National Building Congress and Exhibition, organized by the Chamber of Architects Ankara Branch and the Chamber of Architects Antalya Branch and in cooperation with the universities, will be held on December 6-7-8, 2018 in Antalya.
Abstracts of the papers to be presented at the National Building Congress and Exhibition must be submitted to the Congress Secretariat (Chamber of Architects Ankara Branch) by e-mail latest until Friday, June 8, 2018 at 17:00.
The National Building Congress and Exhibition, in which the relations between the building sector and the environment, design, production, use, protection, control, management, security and demolition processes are discussed, is organized to provide a setting where problems and solutions are shared.
“A national scale building congress was held for the first time in our country within the scope of the development of scientific knowledge and community with the name of “First Turkish Building Congress” between May 3-7, 1948. At that time, Union of Turkish Professional Architects supported the congress. This five-day congress was an important event in which many professional issues were discussed and shared in the process of establishment and institutionalization of the post-Republican architecture. In order to ensure the continuity of such activities, Chamber of Architects Ankara Branch Building Professional Scientific Board has continued organizing “Building Congresses” as a tradition. Second National Building Congress and Exhibition was held between June 3-5, 2015 and hosted by METU as an event focused on “Building Manufacture, Use and Conservation Processes”. Third National Building Congress and Exhibition was held between November 25-26, 2016 with the title “Technique, Design, Security and Accessibility”. The research and development (R&D) studies and innovative and rational approaches directed by these studies have become important.        
“Building Materials: Technical and Environmental Performances, Innovative Building Materials, Construction Systems and Applications, Construction Management and Information Technology, Design Management: Project Production Processes, Environmental Control: Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Renewable Energy Resources, Architectural Acoustics, Spatial Lighting, Functional ( technical) Systems, Building Control and Security: Problems Analysis and Tracking, Earthquake Safety in Structural Analysis and Building, Fire Safety, Risk Analysis, Protection of Cultural Heritage and Innovative Approaches, Universal Design: Accessibility, Spatial Issues, Suggestions, Technical Standards, Disaster Structures and Temporary Shelters ". Within the framework of the congress; it is aimed to bring together professionals, researchers, experts, practitioners, producers, students and users from various disciplines related to building and environmental sciences, construction and material technologies, architecture, engineering and informatics fields to discuss the issues mentioned and to establish a sharing, interacting educational setting. In this respect, the participation of opinions and studies from different disciplines is of great importance.
Rules for papers to be presented in the National Building Congress and Exhibition, which will be in Turkish, and other important aspects to consider are published on the congress website. The rules for the preparation of abstracts can be found at https://yapikongresi.mimarlarodasiankara.org/. At the end of the congress, three papers to be selected by the Science Board will be awarded.  
4. The institutions and organizations supporting the Fourth National Building Congress are as follows:
“Middle East Technical University, Çankaya University, Karabük University, Akdeniz University, Süleyman Demirel University, Architects Association 1927, Turkish Association of Architects “
Submission of Abstracts June 8, 2018 
Evaluation of Abstracts  July 6, 2018 
Submission of Full Texts August 31, 2018 
Review of Full Texts September 21, 2018 
Final date for Submission of Full Texts October 12, 2018 
Paper Presentation December 6-8, 2018