Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr
For your satisfaction and complaints   İGÜMER
 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 About Single Course Exam Application for Graduation Stage

Our graduate students are required to fill in the application form below between 27.01.2023 and 12.02.2023 for the 2022-2023 Fall Semester Single Course and Grade Upgrade Exam Application and submit it with a wet signature to the Fine Arts Faculty Secretariat (Tower 20th Floor). Exams will be held on 15.02.2023.

İstanbul Gelişim Unıversity Graduate Programs Education and Examinations Regulation:

“Article 25 (7): (Amendment: OG-13/6/2018-30450) Students who are successful or conditionally successful in all the courses except one course in the curriculum, except for the attendance requirement, apply to the relevant dean/directorship without seeking the registration requirement for the course. Students are taken to a single course exam from the relevant course on the dates specified in the academic calendar. A student who fails in a single course exam has to re-register for the course in the following academic year. The student can take a single course exam again on the dates specified in the academic calendar on the date after the course is taken again.

“Article 25 (9): (Amendment: OG-13/6/2018-30450) Has taken all the courses in the curriculum and has been successful or conditionally successful; but could not graduate because their GPA is less than 2.00 out of 4.00; Associate degree students are given the right to take an exam to increase their grade point average on the dates specified in the academic calendar, for the last two semesters, and undergraduate students for the last four semesters. In order for the student to take the exam to increase the grade point average, he/she must notify that he/she wants to use the exam right by applying to the dean's office/directorate with a petition stating the courses to be taken for the exam. Students who fail the exam to increase their grade point average can take the exam to increase their grade point average again in the following academic term, with the same application conditions, without requiring registration for the courses. The grade obtained in the GPA raising exam is treated as a success grade.”

We wish you success in your exams.

Form 1
Form 2