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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 56th International Troia Festival Poster Competition

Applications started for 56th International Troia Festival Poster Competition

Every city is an important point on the world with its historical, nature and cultural riches. Our city as well as historical, archeology, mythology, ceramics, such as all the riches from the past to the present day; it is equipped with the mission of tolerance and sharing that all its inhabitants possess and possess. Our city, known as the “City of Peace ada in the national and international arena, deals with ışın Peace bilinen as a living culture. He left behind for half a century and has started his work for his 56th Festival. He takes his name from Troia, one of the most famous ancient cities in the world. The ancient city of Troia is located in the UNESCO World Heritage List, which has been accepted as the common heritage of all mankind since 1998, with cultural and natural assets that have universal values, are worthy of interest and protection. It has witnessed thousands of years of time and hosted different civilizations. It is one of the most important values ​​of human history and world culture. Competitors are expected to interpret e TROIA ci and lin BARIŞ, in their designs, taking into account the elements of the city and the above-mentioned values ​​in the process of life and future of the city and its inhabitants.
The selection of posters to announce the yarış International Troia Festival seçil event, which will be held in Çanakkale every year for the 56th time this year, is the display of posters, which are worth to be exhibited among the designs participating in the competition.


Deadline: May 31, 2019
Evaluation Date: June 10, 2019
Disclosure of Results: Friday, June 14, 2019
Award Ceremony: Saturday, 17 August 2019
Presentation: Between 16 - 20 August 2019 eme 56. The International Troia Festival will be held within the framework of the event program.

Terms of Participation:

  • Competition, across Turkey and over 18 years in the international arena is open to all designers.
  • The competition is open to individual and team participation. A contestant / contestant team may participate in a maximum of three posters with different nicknames. In case the banner sent as a team receives a prize, the prize shall be deposited in the representative account, which is determined by all the participants and signed by the duly signed minutes. The cost of the prizes won't change as a group. The amount shall be paid on behalf of the group representative and not on behalf of each member of the group in the amount specified in Article 6.
  • Participants of the competition are obliged to submit to the Municipality of Çanakkale with their signed signed participation form and their posters are original and their own. Banners with no participation form will not be evaluated. (Banners that do not meet these requirements are excluded from the competition even if they have been deemed worthy of the award or the exhibit.)
  • All the posters, participating in the competition and found to be worth the prize and exhibit, shall belong to Çanakkale Municipality indefinitely and shall not be returned. Publication of these posters, which are obtained by the Çanakkale Municipality through competition, on television, internet, social media and all other digital media; catalogs, brochures, banners, books, CDs, videos and other media to make the publication and distribution, and to domestic and international education and cultural institutions will have the right to make national and international news.
  • The selection board may require the poster owner to make changes to the poster and to work on the design of the festival program when he deems necessary. For this purpose, no payment will be made by Çanakkale Municipality other than the prize amount.
  • A contestant may participate in the competition with no more than three posters and may be deemed worthy of multiple awards.
  • Competitors will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the competition and the decisions of the Jury.
  • There is no limitation in color and technical use in poster works. However, colors that are available with four-color (CMYK) offset printing technology should not be exceeded. Studies will have a resolution of 300 dpi.
  • Banners, 50 × 70 cm. work vertically. As a verbal message supporting visual design in posters ler 56. International Troia Festival yer will take place. Banners with the stated phrase will not be taken into consideration.
  • The digital original of the posters should be worked with Adobe Illustrator (.ai) or Photoshop (.eps) or Photoshop (.psd) or Photoshop (.tiff) versions with a clear extension of the program. Studies will be printed and sent as 50 × 70 vertically to a minimum of 3 mm photoblock printing. (The net printing area for the 50 × 70 cm poster should be 48 × 68 cm.) Only the posters with photoblock printing will be taken into consideration. Roll, A3-A4 print / sent posters will not be received by hand and cargo mail. Originals must be at least 300 dpi in CMYK mode.
  • The digital original of the awarded banners will be requested by the Jury after the competition results are announced. Working without any compression of the work, Article 4 j) in the features specified in the paragraph, fonts must be converted to CD and DVD to be converted and delivered.
  • There will be emblems of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Çanakkale Municipality, Çanakkale-Tübingen Troia Foundation logos in a suitable place on the poster. Related logos \ emblems can be obtained from www.canakkale.bel.tr
  • Atilla AKIN / Graphic Designer
  • Ateş İlyas BAŞSOY / Communicator - Author
  • H. Nadir ÇAKIR / Graphic Designer - Çanakkale Municipality
  • Ali GÜREVİN / Designer
  • Mustafa SEVİM / President of Troia Tübingen Foundation
  • Blagoy TOPRAKİDİS / Photograph Artist - Çanakkale Belediyesi
  • Özlem UYAN / Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Faculty of Fine Arts Department of Graphic Design Faculty Member
Form and Address of Participation:
  • Banners to be sent from home can be delivered by hand, cargo or mail.
  • Banners to be sent from abroad will be sent to the address of kardeskent@canakkale.bel.tr along with the participation forms in digital media.
  • Address: Çanakkale Municipality Directorate of Culture and Social Affairs İsmetpaşa Mahallesi 2. Demircioğlu Caddesi 132/5 17100 Merkez ÇANAKKALE
  • First Place: 10.000 TL
  • Honorable Mention: 2,500 TL
  • Honorable Mention: 2,500 TL
        * Legal tax cuts will be made according to the legislation.

Organization of the Competition:
  • Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Fine Arts Faculty Graphic Design Department
  • Troia-Tubingen Foundation
Deadline for application: 31 May 2019