Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr
For your satisfaction and complaints   İGÜMER
 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 2023 Project Year Erasmus+ Student Mobility Applications

Within the 2023 Contract Term scope, applications for Erasmus+ Study Mobility will be received online between 03-17 July 2023 through the https://erasmusbasvuru.ua.gov.tr/giris portal system. Before making your application, it is very important that you read the 2023 Project Year Erasmus+ Study Mobility and 2023 Project Year Erasmus+ Internship Mobility Application Guide, which contains detailed information about the application.
Since the application system is new, you can get information about the use of the system from the Individual Application Guide.
During the application, the following documents must be uploaded to the relevant section of the portal in pdf format.
Current Transcript (Obligatory)
Foreign Language Certificate (If you want to be exempt from the IGU Foreign Language Exam) Those who do not have a Foreign Language Certificate must take the Foreign Language Exam to be held by our university.
Matters to be Considered During Application
  • All documents (Transcript, Foreign Language Documents, etc.) except your photograph, which will be uploaded to the application system, must be in “Pdf” format.
  • Students who apply for both internship and study mobility at the same time must specify priority.
  • Agreement warnings (Contracted departments, the language of instruction of the relevant institution, etc.) and special conditions should be considered while making choices among the contracted institutions within the scope of Erasmus+ Study Mobility applications. Responsibility for possible problems that may occur as a result of not taking into account the relevant explanations rests entirely with the students.
  • Grant quota information for the 2023 contract period has been announced as an estimate since the contract has not been finalized yet. Quotas may change after the grant amount for the relevant project year to be allocated to our university by the Turkish National Agency becomes clear.
  • Because the quota information for the relevant contract period has not been clarified yet, delays may occur in the evaluation processes. These delays may cause the nomination dates of universities to expire. Our university and the Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for losses that may arise from delays and disruptions in the process.
  • Applications will start on 03 July 2023 and end on 17 July 2023 (at 23:59). You should not leave your application until the last day.