Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr
For your satisfaction and complaints   İGÜMER
 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 2019-2020 Academic Year Spring Semester Important Notice about the Midterm Exams

Istanbul Gelisim University 2019-2020 Academic Year Spring Semester Midterm Exams will be held online on Monday, April 13, 2020, between 09.30 and Sunday, April 26, 2020, 23.59.
1. Between the specified dates, students will be able to take the exam online at https://lms.gelisim.edu.tr/ within the desired day and hour.

2. In order to be included in the distance education system where the exams will be held, you need to login via your personal computer, tablet or mobile phone with an internet connection.

3. Students will log into the Distance Education System (LMS) with their student number and obis passwords.

4. The duration of the exam will be determined by the lecturer himself. The student has no right to object to the specified time.

5. Students can enter the exam on the day and time they want between the given dates.

 6. After the expiry of the exam period, the student can take the exam for the second time without any excuse between 09:30 on Monday, 13 April 2020 and 23:59 on Sunday, 26 April 2020. Exam questions and options may change at the second entrance of the student. The exam will be completed at the end of the exam period of the second entrance to the exam. In this session, the student whose exam is not completed will be considered as not accepted and no excuse will be granted. For this reason, exams should not be left to the last day and last hours.

7. Students who leave the exam for any reason within the specified exam period may retake the exam before the exam expires. As soon as the student leaves the exam, the exam continues to be processed by the system. The student can re-enter the exam before the session expires. Unless compulsory, the exam should not be abandoned (For example, in a 40-minute exam period, if the student leaves the exam at the 20th minute and takes a 10- minute break, the system is on the 30th minute of the exam when the student enters the same exam session again and the student's 10-minute exam time remains).

8. The highest grade of the student using the right of two exams in the exam of the relevant course will be taken as a basis.

9. Students will not be able to see the correct and incorrect answers in their first entry when they take the exam for the second time.

10. Students will be able to learn their exam results no later than Monday, April 27, 2020.

11. During the midterm exam weeks (8th and 9th weeks), the instructors will be able to continue their course uploads and watch the courses.
12. Exams are usually multiple-choice and consist of at least 20 questions and at least 4 options. Instructors can make written exams for some courses.
13. When you make your markings about the questions and click on the end the exam button, you will see the “YOUR ANSWERS SAVED” warning. When you see this warning, your exam will be completed. When the exam period given to you has expired, the system will automatically save your markings and the exam session will be completed. HOW TO JOIN THE EXAM (CLICK HERE)

14. On Sunday, 26 April 2020 at 23:59, the exam system will be closed to your access. If there are any questions that you have not answered at the end of this period, they will be considered blank.

15. Copying and sharing the exam questions in any environment constitutes a crime by our laws and such actions have criminal responsibility. Examinations of students who are found to have any ethical violations will be considered invalid and disciplinary investigations will be opened about them.

WARNING: Do not leave your exams for the last days.
We wish success to all our students.
Istanbul Gelisim University