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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Our Topic is Sustainability!

A training on “Sustainability” was given with the participation of faculty members and lecturers from Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF).
Res. Asst. Mustafa Dallı, lecturer of the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (English), made a presentation on the concept of sustainability for the academic staff of the Faculty of Fine Arts. GSF Dean Prof. Dr. Şükran Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp, Deputy Deans Asst .Prof. Dr. Murat Doğan and Asst .Prof. Dr. Sezgin Savaş, Head of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department Prof. Dr. Aslı Albayrak, Head of Radio, Television and Cinema Department Asst .Prof. Dr. Emre Doğan, Head of Interior Architecture, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (TR-ENG) Departments Asst .Prof. Dr. Parvin Heidari and other department faculty members and lecturers attended. The presentation focused on the work done by the United Nations in the EU countries in line with the "Sustainable Development Goals" gathered under seventeen titles such as No to Poverty, Zero Hunger, Health and Wellness, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water and Hygiene, Accessible and Clean Energy, Good Jobs and Economic Development, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, Reduced Inequalities, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsive Production and Consumption , Climate Action, Life Underwater, Life on Land, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Partnership for Purposes, and the outputs of the research and studies conducted by the University of Manchester, as an example.

Ideas and Suggestions Offered

Within the scope of exemplary applications, ideas and suggestions were presented on the works that can be done as the Faculty of Fine Arts within IGU. Suggestions were presented on integrating sustainability themes into FAF departments on art-related subjects through case studies such as zero waste shops and zero waste practices on campus in EU countries. In this context, while Lecturer İrem Fulya Özkan talked about the exemplary studies carried out at FAF in previous years, other faculty members who participated in the training shared their ideas and opinions on sustainability. After discussing what can be done to ensure the sustainability of the studies carried out throughout the university, the training ended with Res. Asst. Mustafa Dallı answering the questions from the faculty members.


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