Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Faculty of Fine Arts "Guest Students Meeting" was Held!

A meeting was held on December 8, 2020, at 17:00, to receive the opinions and suggestions of our guest students studying at IGU (Istanbul Gelişim University) Faculty of Fine Arts regarding education and training.
On December 8, 2020, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts Asst. Prof. Dr. Murat Doğan, the academic group consisting of department heads of the Faculty of Fine Arts and research assistants held a meeting titled "Istanbul Gelişim University Faculty of Fine Arts Guest Students Meeting" with the guest students studying at the Faculty of Fine Arts via Google Meet. .
Meeting; Meeting the guest students studying at the Faculty of Fine Arts in the Fall Semester of the 2020-2021 Academic Year, determining the satisfaction of the guest students with the department and faculty they study in, listening to the positive and negative opinions, expectations and recommendations of the participating students about the department and faculty they study in. It was shaped around agenda items such as receiving opinions and suggestions.
Guest Students Shared Their Views on Education
Many faculty members and students from Graphic Design, Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, Interior Architecture, Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Communication and Design, Fashion and Textile Design, Radio, TV and Cinema attended the meeting, where different suggestions were developed in the light of the problems expressed by the students and an active communication environment was created. Many guest students from different departments attended. Guest students stated that they were generally very satisfied with the education, the conduct of the courses and the competence of the faculty members.
Aishah Mosaad, a second-year student at the Department of Interior Architecture, shared her positive opinions about the faculty members:
“Our professors spare time for us both in class and outside of class, and always support us against the difficulties we may experience as guest students.”
Another guest student of our faculty, Amandurdyev Resul, expressed similar views:
“Although the classes are carried out via distance education, they are very active and productive. We have no problems with the courses and instructors. "We only have difficulty in Turkish Language class due to lack of grammar."
Apart from this, it was also mentioned at the meeting that the students experienced some difficulties. They stated that courses such as TRD101 Turkish Language I and ATA201 Ataturk's Principles and History of Revolution I were a bit challenging for them because their native language was not Turkish.
“We Have Alternatives Against the Challenging Conditions Created by the Pandemic Process”
At the meeting, where department heads were also present, each department head stated that guest students who could not attend weekly counseling meetings due to their busy course schedule could reach themselves and their classmates by e-mail, phone, or through actively used student WhatsApp groups at any time outside of class.
Head of the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design, Asst. Prof. Dr. Zerrin Funda Ürük, stated the following on this subject:
  “Although the pandemic is a problem, we continue our conversations with the distance education and consultancy system without any problems during distance education.”
"IGU Faculty of Fine Arts Guest Student Meeting" will continue in the next stage as "Istanbul Gelişim University Guest Student Meeting", where all guest students studying at Istanbul Gelişim University will attend. These meetings aim to identify the problems of the guest students, receive their positive and negative opinions, develop solution suggestions, and provide an active communication environment with the students.


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