Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr
For your satisfaction and complaints   İGÜMER
 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

Graphic Design

 Graphic Design Department 2021-2022 Aptitude Exam Applications Started

Click on the link below to pre-register for the aptitude exams.
Click on the link below to access the Academic Calendar.
FACE TO FACE EXAM 17 September 2021, 14:00-15:20 (It will be held in two sessions of 40 + 40 minutes and successful candidates will be awarded 50% + 25% scholarship.
ONLINE EXAM 17 September 2021, 14:30-15:50 (It will be held in two sessions of 40 + 40 minutes, and 50% + 25% scholarship will be provided to successful candidates.
- Graphic Design Department Special Talent Entrance Exam applications will be made online between 29 July - 30 September.
- Talent exams will be held face-to-face or online if the candidate prefers. Candidates will take the exam in the way they prefer, either face-to-face or online.
-Face to face exam is given at ISTANBUL GELİŞİM UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF FINE ARTS (E BLOCK). Candidates must be present in Block E with their exam entrance document and valid ID, half an hour before the exam start time on the exam day (September 17, 2021).
- Materials and equipment to be used in face-to-face exams will be provided by our school. If the online exam is preferred, the necessary tools and materials for the exam must be provided by the student.
- For the online exam, the candidates will be contacted before the exam and necessary preparations will be made.
-Candidates must approve the KVKK text for the online exam.
-Candidates who have earned the right to finalize a higher education program with central placement can also apply for the exam.
-Candidates who will apply with a 2020 TYT score must have a TYT score of 200 or more, have not entered any session of the 2021 YKS, and have had the process of "calculating their converted scores" done within the application period.
- Document showing that he/she graduated from a high school or equivalent school or is in the process of graduation
-To have a score of 150 or more in the 2021 TYT Exam, or
-To have a score of 200 or more in the 2020 TYT Exam (these candidates must also attach a converted TYT document to their application)
- Passport photograph taken within the last six months (4x6 cm)
-Required report for disabled candidates
- Pre-registration will be done online. The aptitude test entrance fee is 100 TL and payment will be made with a credit card/debit (3d secure) card through the application system.)
Documents should be uploaded to the system as digital copies or scanned.
You can use the link below to pre-register.
-Pencil (B, 2B)
-Eraser, sharpener
- Base (duralite 35x50)
-Drawing paper (35x50)
-Internet connection
-Desk lamp
-Computer with camera and microphone system
(Materials will be provided by our school for face-to-face exams.)
-Candidates will be sent a Perculus link to their e-mail address for the online exam.
-You will be able to participate in the exam by clicking on the link sent half an hour before the exam day and time.
-Candidates must give the microphone and camera permissions requested by the Perculus application in order to participate in the exam.
- During the online exam, the computer camera should be fixed to show the drawing paper, the candidate's head and hands.
-Drawings will be done in two consecutive sessions using a pencil on 35x50 cm white paper, as in the face-to-face exam.
-At the end of the period, the image of the work will be sent to the relevant e-mail address. Images of the drawing can be in photo and PDF format.
-The student's name, surname and candidate number should be written in the subject part of the mail.
-Candidates' exams may be deemed invalid due to a communication breakdown that may occur during the online exam period due to their internet connection. Help and support will be provided for candidates who have internet problems.
-Before the exam, the candidate voiced himself to the camera with T.C. Introduce him by showing his identity card.
-After the end of the exam period, the invigilators are expected to receive the mail, the final checks are made, if there is no deficiency, the candidate is deemed to have completed the exam and leaves the Perculus application with the announcement of the examiner "exam is over".
Telephone participation will not be accepted for students who will take the online exam.
For questions and inquiries, you can send an e-mail to gsf@gelisim.edu.tr. You can get support from our department's extension number 0 212 422 70 00 - 213.