Applications for the Double Major Program (DMP) for the 2021-22 academic year have started. After completing and signing the DAP application form, it should be sent to with the student's e-mail address on the application dates.
Our students do not need to request any other documents at the time of application.
Click here for the quotas of the Faculty of Fine Arts.
Click here for the DAP application form.
Here are the things you need to know about CAP applications:
During the application, the student can choose a maximum of three double major programs. Students are placed in a double major program in order of preference.
More than one double major cannot be done at the same time. However, a double major and a minor can be done at the same time.
In the admission of students to the double major diploma program (such as the Graphic Design department), which admits students with an aptitude test, the condition of being successful in the aptitude test is also required.
The admission process of the students to the double major diploma program is completed with the recommendation of the department/program chair and the decision of the relevant board of directors. The final registration of the students admitted to the double major program is made by the student affairs department.
A student registered in a double major diploma program can transfer to a double major diploma program when he/she meets the conditions suitable for internal transfer in the major diploma program.
The quota of the students who will make a double major program is determined by the university senate, provided that the overall weighted grade point average in the major diploma program is at least 70 out of 100 (2.72/4.00), the success ranking in the relevant class of the major diploma program is not less than 20%. Your transcript and your success ranking (20%) in the relevant class of the program will be displayed by the faculty secretariat. E-mail address of the Faculty of Fine Arts sectarian:
The quotas of the programs that will accept double major students and which major students can apply to the programs are determined by the decision of the Senate, not less than 20% of the starting quota in the relevant class of the programs.
With the exception of law, medicine and health programs and engineering programs, the quota of programs to be double major is determined by the university senate, not less than 20% of the quota of the programs.
Application Conditions for Double Major Program
A student can apply for a double major diploma program at the beginning of the third semester at the earliest, at the beginning of the fifth semester in four-year programs, at the beginning of the seventh semester in five-year programs, and at the beginning of the ninth semester in six-year programs at the latest. In the major associate degree programs, the student can apply at the beginning of the second semester at the earliest and at the beginning of the third semester at the latest.
Students who have a cumulative grade point average of at least 70 out of 100 (2.72/4.00) at the time of application for a double major program and who are in the top 20% of the major diploma program in terms of success in the relevant class can apply to the second major diploma program.
A minimum grade point average of 70 out of 100 (2.72/4.00) in the major diploma program; However, among the students who are not in the top 20% of the major diploma program in terms of success in the relevant class, those who have a score not less than the base score of the program in which the double major will be made can also apply to the double major program.
The student who wishes to do a double major in the programs for which the success ranking condition is required, must also meet the success ranking condition determined by the Higher Education Council of the relevant program in the year he enrolled, in addition to the other conditions specified in this Directive.
Applications for a double major cannot be made between programs with the same name in Turkish and programs in English. Only transfer applications can be made between these programs.
If the student applies to a program that provides education in a foreign language wholly or partially, he/she must obtain a score of at least 70 out of 100 from the foreign language proficiency exam conducted by the School of Foreign Languages or an equivalent score from the national/international exams accepted by the Senate as equivalent.
In order to be able to apply for a double major diploma program, a student who has enrolled with a lateral transfer must have studied at least one semester in the undergraduate/associate degree program he/she registered for. However, students who enroll with vertical transfer cannot apply to a double major program.
Monday, June 14, 2021 Friday, June 25, 2021 Notification of Double Major Programs and quotas to the Rectorate
Announcement of student quotas for Double Major Programs on Friday, 09 July 2021
Sending the list of students who are entitled to apply for Double Major Programs on Monday, 12 July 2021 to the units
Application deadlines for Double Major Programs on Tuesday, July 13, 2021 Friday, July 30, 2021
Fri 30 July 2021