Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Asst. Prof. Erdem Çağla's Online Personal Exhibition Titled “Surrogates” was Opened

II. Held in parallel with the event titled Rhythm of Art organized as part of the International Art Symposium and Exhibition, Asst. Prof Erdem Çağla's Personal Painting Exhibition titled Surrogates met with the audience on the online platform between 8th and 13th of May.

Asst. Prof. Erdem Çağla, one of the faculty members of Istanbul Gelisim University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Graphic Design Department, with his exhibition titled “Simples”, II. He took part in the event titled Rhythm of Art organized as part of the International Art Symposium and Exhibition. Kocaeli University, Faculty of Fine Arts Dean Prof. In the exhibition opened in parallel with the symposium chaired by Süreyya Temel, 15 works of Çağla were exhibited. The exhibition, which emerged with the use of different digital techniques used in the isolation of black and white human figures, consists of 15 works that have been transformed into digital portraits, which are the staining value of human figures, based on portrait photographs. The theme of "the ever-changing human image" plays an important role in the exhibition, which features works emphasizing the diversity and meaning of human images in art.

Human forms change and transform over time; It is known that the exhibition, which focuses on getting old, younger, sick, healed, sad and happy, was created to reflect this constant change of human forms and to express this through art. The "Similars" exhibition offers an opportunity to explore the power and meaning of human images while highlighting the importance of the creation and expression of human images in the art world.

Art is man's way of making sense of the world and expressing it.

While talking about the conceptual infrastructure of the digital works in the online exhibition, Çağla stated that she believes art is humanity's way of making sense of and expressing the world. Stating that human surrogates are one of the strongest and most meaningful elements of art, Çağla underlined that the “Surrogates” exhibition offers an opportunity to explore different techniques and materials related to human surrogates and their creation.

At Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Graphic Design Department, we congratulate our esteemed faculty member Erdem Çağla and wish him continued success.


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