Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 RTC students took part in May 19 events!

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA), Radio, Television and Cinema Department students took part in the event organized within the scope of 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day.
From the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, Asst. Prof. Ali Kemal Çipe and his team of students took part in the management team of the 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day concerts held in Silivri.

Asst. Prof. Ali Kemal Çipe was the director of the concerts organized by Ufkun Media, one of the external stakeholders of the department, while Mazlum Yanık and Furkan Murat, second-year students of the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, and Salih Günar and Onur Yılmaz, graduate students, took part in the direction, production and coordination teams.

We would like to thank our external stakeholder Ufkun Medya for providing this opportunity to the students, and we wish Asst. Prof. Ali Kemal Çipe and his team of students success in their future duties.


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