Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr
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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 What are the Points that the Students of the Department of Communication and Design Should Pay Attention to when Filling out Their Internship Notebook

There are some points that our students, who are studying at Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Communication and Design Department and who do their summer internships in the 2021-2022 academic year, should pay attention to when filling out their internship notebooks.
  • First of all, you can download the internship book from this link. When you click on the link, click on the “Mandatory Summer Internship Notebook” section.
  • Use a blue ballpoint pen when filling out the internship notebook or fill out online.
  • Use 12 point Times New Roman font when filling out the internship notebook on the computer.
  • If you will fill the internship book with handwriting, make sure that the text is legible.
  • While filling out the internship notebook, the work you do during your internship should be written in detail and supported by photographs.
  • Images can be pasted or stapled to the internship notebook (no documents-photos should be attached to the internship notebook pages with paper clips in case the images are lost).
  • If there are digital images and files, they can be loaded onto a CD and stapled to the inside of the back cover of the internship notebook.
  • Formal expressions and sentences should be used while writing in the internship notebook.
  • It should be preferred to use passive verbs in sentences.
  • When filling out the information on the first page of the student's internship file, you should write the class in which you are doing your internship in the summer term. The address and contact information of the workplace must be clear.
  • Name, surname, duty, date, signature and stamp information in the "certifying the document" section on the "registration slip" page should be filled in by the authorized person at the internship place.
  • When completing the “Registration slip” page, tick the 1st Group Internship box if you are doing your first internship, and the 2nd Group Internship box if you are doing your second internship.
  • When filling out the "Trainee Student Attendance Tracking Schedule" page, please exclude public holidays and Sundays. Complete the days. Do not scribble the days and make corrections on them. If you make a mistake, fill the page from the beginning. Signature and stamp should be at the bottom of the page.
  • Internship book submissions are made by hand.
  • Each page of the internship book must have the signature and stamp of the authorized person at the internship place. Some businesses use "e-signature". However, the wet signature of the authorized person at the internship place should still be requested by the student.
  • Working day pages for public holidays and Sundays should not be filled.
  • The internship notebook should be printed and turned into a notebook by choosing one of 3 different methods as spiral, bound or backed. Other methods such as transparent file, stapling are not accepted.
  • Internship notebook submissions must be submitted to the Department Instructors Research Assistant Ayten Bengisu Cansever or Research Assistant Büşra Kamacıoğlu. (Do not deliver notebooks on the table, anywhere else, or to any other professor other than the department professors).
  • Submit the internship book within 1 month of your internship at the latest. (All notebooks must be submitted before the new semester starts.)
  • The notebook can be delivered in two ways, in person or through a proxy person given by a notary public.
  • Students who will deliver their notebooks by proxy should send the name and surname of the person who will deliver them to the research assistants of the department via e-mail.


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