Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Res. Asst. Tuğçe Öztürk Successfully Passed the Thesis Monitoring Jury!

Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA), Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (Eng.) Res. Asst. Tuğçe Öztürk successfully passed the thesis monitoring jury within the scope of Bahçeşehir University, Graduate School, Architecture and Design (Eng.) PhD Program.
Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (Eng.) Res. Asst. Tuğçe Öztürk participated in the thesis monitoring jury with her study “Examining the Impact of the Governing Methods on Space Production in the 21st Century: A Case of Istanbul, Beyoğlu”  and made her presentation on the subject to the thesis monitoring committee within the scope of Bahçeşehir University, Graduate School, Architecture and Design (Eng.) PhD Program.

Öztürk, who made explanations about the conceptual framework in her presentation, also made detailed explanations about the method she developed along with the context. Stating that she will use cartographic research methods in her thesis, Öztürk talked about the benefits of using contemporary research methods that benefit from today's technologies in academic studies and emphasized the importance of these methods.

Res. Asst. Tuğçe Öztürk stated that she examined how the policies implemented and social events that occurred since the beginning of the twenty-first century shaped the processes of space production and the spatial reflections of these effects through the Beyoğlu District case study, and added that the original data set that she would create with the cartographic research methods she would use would constitute the original contribution of the study.

“Quantitative research emphasizes the measurement and analysis of causal relationships between variables.”

Expressing her views on cartographic research methods, which is a type of quantitative research, Res. Asst. Tuğçe Öztürk made the following statements:

“Quantitative research emphasizes the measurement and analysis of causal relationships between variables. This type of research begins with a fixed and limited set of categories (variables, types, or dimensions), and the researcher looks for precise relationships between these categories. Cartographic research methods involve the creation, analysis, and interpretation of maps to gain insight into spatial patterns, relationships, and events.”

Res. Asst. Tuğçe Öztürk stated that she will make a presentation about the application of the method, collection of data, and the findings before the next thesis monitoring committee, and added that she is extremely excited about the process.

We congratulate Res. Asst. Tuğçe Öztürk on her success and wish her continued success in the thesis process.


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