Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Paper Presentation by Res. Asst. Emel Çirişoğlu

Res. Asst. Emel Çirişoğlu, a lecturer at Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department, made a paper presentation at the 2nd International Chef Dede Ateşbâz-ı Veli Symposium.
Res. Asst. Emel Çirişoğlu, a lecturer at Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department, made a paper presentation at the 2nd International Chef Dede Ateşbâz-ı Veli Symposium.

In the symposium, which was held for the second time this year, topics related to gastronomy and tourism such as Gastronomy, Food Culture, Visual Arts and Gastronomy, Gastronomy Tourism, Mevlevi Cuisine, Seljuk and Ottoman Cuisine took place. Res. Asst. Emel Çirişoğlu from Istanbul Gelisim University Fine Arts Faculty attended the 2nd International Chef Dede Ateşbâz-ı Velî Symposium organized by Necmettin Erbakan University and Konya Metropolitan Municipality this year. Çirişoğlu, a lecturer from the Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Department, who attended the session of the congress held between 23-24-25 September at 10:00 on September 24, under the chairmanship of Assoc. Prof. Yalçın Tükel, presented her paper titled "Analysis of Documentaries on Gastronomy: An Example of the Adventure of Food" in the session.

From the abstract;
“Documentaries are films that convey information about a particular subject in a striking way. While these films sometimes convey only information in an analytical manner, sometimes they can be fictionalized on criticizing an attitude or opinion. When we look at the types of documentaries, an increase has been observed in the number of documentaries on gastronomy in the Turkish media in the last five years. Only the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT) Documentary channel broadcasts four different gastronomic documentaries (Chef's Special Guest, A Cooking Story, Apprentice, Adventure of Food). On the private channels, it is possible to come across documentaries that are fictionalized in different ways. Documentaries on gastronomy, the number of which is increasing day by day, both on national and international platforms, is seen as one of the most effective communication tools in reflecting the gastronomic identities of countries. This increase in the number of documentaries on gastronomy has brought the necessity of examining these documentaries. As a matter of fact, these documentaries raise many research questions for researchers. For example; “How many categories can documentaries on gastronomy be examined? Do these documentaries reflect the true gastronomic identity of the countries?, Is there a relationship between the preference of the gastronomy and culinary arts department and the documentaries on gastronomy?”. For the answers to these research questions, documentaries on gastronomy have a rich data source. This research was carried out in order to determine whether the gastronomic documentaries reflect the real gastronomic identity of the countries and to determine how the Turkish Cuisine is conveyed. Within the scope of the study, the documentary "The Adventure of Food" broadcast on TRT was accepted as a sample. The fact that the documentary in question consisted of 52 different sections necessitated the need to limit the study within itself. Out of a total of 52 departments that focus on different foods, 24 departments with pastry and bakery products were included in the research. Episodes watched at least twice by two researchers were analyzed with the MAXQDA qualitative data analysis program. Within the scope of the findings obtained, it is thought that the subject will make important contributions to the relevant literature and will shed light on documentary analysis studies.”

We congratulate Res. Asst. Emel Çirişoğlu and wish her success in her academic studies.


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