Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Orientation Meeting for First Grades Was Held

After the start of the 2022-2023 academic year, an orientation meeting was held for the first year students of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Radio, Television and Cinema Department.
The orientation meeting of the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, held in Istanbul Gelişim University J Block 390 classroom, started with the opening speech of Asst. Prof. Dr. Rabiya SALTİK, the deputy head of the department. After Asst. Prof. Dr. Rabiya SALTİK's opening speech, Res. Asst. Okan KIRBACI talked about the university and department-related directives/regulations, curriculum, courses, exams, absenteeism, steps to be followed in case of possible problems, Erasmus+, and the library. Then, Head of Radio, Television and Cinema Department Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre DOĞAN introduced himself and met the students. Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre DOĞAN gave place to the activities, workshops, conversations and club activities planned to be organized on the basis of faculty and department.

“Orientation Meetings are Important”   

Informing the students through a presentation at the orientation meeting, Res. Asst. Okan Kırbacı stated that they have regularly held orientation meetings for all first-year students for two years. He also stated that they held an orientation meeting with the internship coordinator Asst. Prof. Dr. Ali Kemal Çipe on the subject of summer internship in the spring term.

Res. Asst. Okan Kırbacı stated that they attach great importance to the orientation meetings as a department and said that the students were informed through these meetings and that the students learned a lot thanks to these meetings. Emphasizing the importance of informing first graders, he underlined the need for students who come to an environment different from high school practices to adapt to the new environment. Noting that he sees the students of the Radio, Television and Cinema department as important stakeholders, Kırbacı stated that they want to spend an active, productive and enthusiastic term with the students who have a voice in the department and to carry out many different activities together.

The orientation meeting, which was held in order to enable students to get acquainted with the functioning of the university, faculty and department, concluded after the questions and answers of the students. After the orientation meeting, a questionnaire was prepared and shared with the students, investigating whether the orientation was beneficial or not. The results of the survey received mostly positive feedback.


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