Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Movie Hour every Monday and Thursday!

Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Doğan, Head of the Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, prepares the selection of the Movie Hour program, which is held every Monday and Thursday as part of the Cultural Development event series by the Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Dean of Students.
Movie Hour program, prepared with the selection of Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Doğan, attracted great interest from university students. Movie Hour, prepared in partnership with the Dean of Students, Cinema Club and Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Doğan, is held every Monday and Thursday at the university's Pocket Cinema. Movie Hour, the first of which was held on October 20, 2022, was held with the participation of Student Dean İbrahim Halil Yaşar with the film “Mississippi Burning (1988)” from the selection of Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Doğan.

We wait everyone who wants to learn about cinema

Ahmet Tevhid Kuzu, one of the first year students of the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, who is responsible for the realization of the screenings, stated that the event had positive outcomes such as being able to gain social circle from different departments, being able to discuss and share opinions about the movie between and after the event. Expressing that he is happy to have a role in bringing films together with the audience, Kuzu added that he is waiting for everyone who is interested and curious about cinema, who wants to learn about cinema or to have a different perspective.

Cinema is like picking fruit from a vast orchard

Çağatay Türkmen, a fourth-year student in the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema responsible for the screenings and the head of the Cinema Club, said that cinema is like "picking fruits from a vast orchard" and that each film leaves different tastes and emotions in the audience, and with this approach in the event series, it is aimed to strengthen people's bond with cinema and stated that they aim to bring the audience together with films from various cinema examples. Expressing that they are pleased with the interest the event has received, Türkmen added that they will continue to work and actively organize events as the Cinema Club.

Movie Hour Will Continue With New Screenings

The screenings, starting with Mississippi Burning (1988) and continuing with Vertigo (1958) and The Selfish Giant (2013), will be held every Monday and Thursday at Pocket Cinema with new films.

You can follow the official social media accounts of Istanbul Gelişim University and the Dean of Students to be informed about the events.


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