Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Lecturer Esra Büyükemir Karagöz Evaluated The Importance and Functioning Of The Design and Space Researches I Course

Lecturer Esra Büykemir Karagöz, from Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF), Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (English) Departments, evaluated the importance and functioning of the 'Design and Space Researches I' course.
Design and Space Researches I, an important practical course in the Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design (English), is a compulsory course for first year students. It covers the subjects of gaining conceptual perception skills by using design principles and elements, creating mass compositions and indoor-outdoor perception by making two- and three-dimensional application studies. The general aim and content of the course can be summarized as defining design elements and drawing equipment, explaining design principles, explaining the works with free hand drawing technique and models, defining design principles and elements in 2 and 3 dimensional works, teaching perspective perception, exemplifying design principles and elements by using indoor and outdoor perception.

Lecturer Esra Büyükemir Karagöz, who is the instructor of the course, made the following evaluations about the importance and functioning of the course:

"Design and Space Researches I course is a course in which we start to learn the perception of two and three dimensions, and we start to learn the elements that will help us in the design process. The most important aim of the course is to teach us to think in two and three dimensions, as mentioned. For this reason, basic perspective drawings, sub-factors of design, namely design principles and design elements that can teach us this perception  have a serious importance. Because while the concept is the core of your design, principles and elements are the factors that shape and direct that core. So when a strong imagination is combined with technique, a design emerges. Even if you have a strong design idea, it will be inevitable for you to dwell on and evaluate these sub-factors that strengthen and highlight the design. Subjects such as freehand drawing and perspective drawing, which are learned during the course of the course, are essential to be known for the next stages. External relations and their learning through model making, that is, by experience, have great importance in establishing architectural understanding. Learning drawing, freehand drawing, model making techniques along with design principles and principles is also very important for the rest of education and professional life. For this reason, it is of great importance to take this course before the project courses to be taken in the next stages."


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