Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Interview with Fatih Kerem Vural, Head of Art & Communication Design Student Club!

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA), Communication and Design Department Research Assistant Büşra Kamacıoğlu made an interview with our Communication and Design Department student Fatih Kerem Vural about the Art & Commuincation Design Club.
Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA), Communication and Design Department Research Assistant Büşra Kamacıoğlu made an interview with our Communication and Design Department student Fatih Kerem Vural about the Art & Commuincation Design Club.
-Hello Fatih Kerem, can we get to know you?

Hello, I'm Fatih Kerem Vural. I am a 2nd year student of Communication and Design at Istanbul Gelişim University. I am the President of the Art & Communication Design Club.
-What is your purpose in founding the club?

We established our club under the leadership of our teacher Lecturer Ahmet Bikiç in order to increase communication within the department, to enliven our university life and to meet our industry while we were still a student.
-What kind of activities did you do during the spring term?

First, we hosted a photographer from the industry and held a Basic Photography Training. Right after, we organized a technical trip to Atatürk Arberotum on Nature Photography in order to reinforce the education. After these events, we held interviews with experts in their fields, such as social media and character design in social media. As the last event in the spring term, we organized an acting workshop under the management of an actor Erdem Yılmaz.
-Can you tell us about your future event plans?

In particular, we will continue our sector-based activities. We are planning technical trips on photography. We would like to hold an advertising themed workshop. We want to have conversations with names that can guide us in the design industry.
-Last thing you want to add...

I would like to thank our teachers Lecturer Ahmet Bikiç and Res. Asst. Büşra Kamacıoğlu, who have always given us full support during the establishment process of our club and the organization of our events.


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