Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Intense Interest in Study Abroad Workshop!

A Study Abroad Workshop was held as part of Wednesday Workshops organized by Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF), Radio, Television and Cinema Department.
Wednesday Workshops are known as the series of events organized by the Department of Radio, Television, and Cinema. Wednesday Workshops, which took place for the seventh time under the title of Study Abroad Workshop, continue to host important names of the sector. Training manager Tunçağ Veli Ünlü and training coordinator Asuman Türkmen Yıldız attended the online event. Head of department asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Doğan, deputy head of department asst. Prof. Dr. Rabiya Saltik, and department research assistants Eda Çekemci and Okan Kırbacı attended the event, which attracted great interest from students.

“Abroad Educational Planning Is Also A Career Planning”

The Abroad Education Workshop, moderated by Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Doğan started with Asuman Türkmen Yıldız and Tunçağ Veli Ünlü's presentation on the processes of education planning abroad. Stating that they are with students as a mentor from the moment they decide to study abroad, as long as they continue and complete their education and even in their career planning, Asuman Türkmen Yıldız emphasized the importance of correct guidance in this field. Tunçağ Veli Ünlü told which countries students prefer to study abroad and their reasons, adding that knowing a foreign language is an advantage and that school course averages are an important criterion in qualifying. Türkmen Yıldız and Ünlü answered the questions that the students were curious about and conveyed the countries preferred recently for both undergraduate and graduate education processes to the students. Asuman Türkmen Yıldız and Tunçağ Veli Ünlü, who stated that they gained an important perspective for themselves and gave guidance to the students who conveyed their goals, promised to organize a workshop and meet with the students again during the face-to-face education period.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Emre Doğan concluded the event by explaining that the event is the last event of the 2022-2023 spring semester and that the department activities will continue as of the 2023-2024 fall semester and thanking the participants.

We would like to thank education manager Tunçağ Veli Ünlü and education coordinator Asuman Türkmen Yıldız for sharing their experiences and knowledge with us.


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