Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Faculty of Fine Arts Academic and Administrative Staff Participated in "Disaster Awareness Training"

Academic and Administrative Staff of Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF) participated in the training titled "Disaster Awareness Training" organized by AFAD on behalf of the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Interior Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency.
Within the scope of the training, information was given about the campaign titled “Turkey Ready for Disaster” organized by AFAD. In the first part of the training, under the title of "Basic Information and Concepts", detailed information was given on concepts such as danger, risk, disaster and the risks in our environment. After giving information about basic information and concepts, what can be done in the first 72 hours, called “Golden Hours” in disasters, was discussed, and the precautions and practices that should be taken before, during and after disasters were conveyed.
“How to Prepare a Disaster and Emergency Family Plan?” for earthquakes, fire, flood disasters, etc. , “What are the Right Behaviors After a Disaster?”, “The First Hours After the Disaster” were discussed.
Under the title of Pre-Disaster Preparations, the titles of “Preparations to be Made for Pre-Disaster”, “Preparations to Be Made for Disasters” and “Preparations to Be Made for Post-Disaster” were mentioned.
Under the title of Pre-Disaster Preparations, disaster and emergency family plan preparation, disaster-resistant structures, risks inside the house, assembly area, contact person outside the region, disaster and emergency information card, disaster and emergency bag and emergency phones. detailed information was given. Under the heading of Preparations to be Made for Disaster Sequence, information was given about correct behavior patterns. Under the heading of Preparations for the Post-Disaster, important information was given about the evacuation, returning to the living space and the first hours after the disaster.
In the last part, Trainer Ebru Sözer answered the questions of the participants and ended the training by giving information about the AFAD Volunteering System.

We would like to thank trainer Ebru Sözer for this useful training.


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