Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 Documentary Filming of Kavılca Wheat, an Ancestral Seed of 13 Thousand Years, Has Started!

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Communication and Design Lecturer and Director Ahmet Bikic started shooting documentary in Ardahan.

The documentary film directed by Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts, Communication and Design Department Lecturer and Director Ahmet Bikic will focus on traditional agriculture and modern agriculture, emphasizing the importance and contribution of the 13 thousand-year-old ancestor seed Kavılca wheat to the region. It is known that Kavılca wheat, which is one of the two genetically unchanged wheat types in our country, preserves its unique characteristics in its seed with its 13 thousand-year history. With the increase in the production and consumption of other wheat flours over time, Kavılca wheat, which remained in the background, continued to be produced and consumed in more limited regions. With this documentary film, it is aimed to raise awareness by emphasizing the importance of the 13 thousand-year-old ancestral seed Kavılca.


Before shooting Lecturer and Director Ahmet Bikic and his team explored the shooting locations in Ardahan. After the shooting locations were determined within the scope of the project, the shooting of the 13 thousand-year-old ancestral seed Kavılca, which left its mark on the palate, began in Ardahan under the direction of Ahmet Bikiç. In this context, the story of Kavılca wheat and its contribution to the region will be conveyed in the documentary project, which can be evaluated in the context of ending hunger, achieving food security and good nutrition, and supporting sustainable agriculture, which are included in the United Nations Development Goals.


The shooting of the documentary, which aims to raise awareness throughout Turkey and to increase the production and consumption of Kavılca wheat, started in Ardahan. Under the direction of Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), Faculty of Fine Arts, Communication and Design Department Lecturer - Director Ahmet Bikic, documentary film project "13 Thousand Years Ancestor Seed Kavılca Wheat"; It comes to life with the support of Ardahan Governorate, Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, Ardahan University and Serhat Development Agency.

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