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 Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

 1st Tigris International Short Film Festival Takes Place with the Support of IGU!

The 1st Tigris International Short Film Festival, with the participation of Prof. Dr. Şükran Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts at Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU), and directed by Ahmet Bikiç, a Lecturer in the Department of Communication and Design, has successfully concluded.
The 1st Tigris International Short Film Festival, supported by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey and the General Directorate of Cinema, welcomed cinema enthusiasts from December 18th to 20th, 2023.

The closing and award ceremony of the 1st International Tigris Documentary and Short Film Festival, which brought together the distinguished cinematic works of the world and our country in the cultural and artistic city of Diyarbakır, took place. With the leadership of the Cinema Researchers Culture and Art Association and the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Diyarbakır Governorship, Dicle University Rectorate, Istanbul Gelişim University Rectorate, Diyarbakır Metropolitan Municipality, General Directorate of Cinema, Industrial Venture Platform, and Media Archetype collaborated to organize the festival, which saw the participation of 428 documentaries and short films.

Prof. Dr. Arda Öztürkcan, Vice Rector of Istanbul Gelişim University, stated that after a 7-month evaluation process, they assessed 428 film applications and expressed, "Our 3-day festival has concluded with the award ceremony. Istanbul Gelişim University's special award and Dicle University's special award, totaling 6 awards, were presented to our directors." He emphasized the intense participation in the festival and wished for the continued success of the event. Öztürkcan highlighted that Istanbul Gelişim University operates in line with sustainable development goals.

Festival Director Ahmet Bikiç mentioned his excitement for the 1st International Tigris Documentary and Short Film Festival, stating that although he has served in many festivals before, this one was particularly thrilling. Bikiç highlighted the positive reactions from the audience and emphasized that with the support of Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Fine Arts, the festival was successfully realized.


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