Faculty of Fine Arts - gsf@gelisim.edu.tr

Radio Television And Cinema

 Asst. Prof. Dr. Önder Paker Participated in a Talk titled “The Future of Fine Arts Departments After the Pandemic”

Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Fine Arts (FAF) Radio, Television and Cinema department head Asst. Prof. Dr. Önder Paker participated in the talk titled “The Future of Fine Arts Departments After the Pandemic”.

Participating in the talk titled "The Future of Fine Arts Departments After the Pandemic" organized by the Istanbul Gelişim University (IGU) Continuing Education Center, Asst. Prof. Dr. Önder Paker explained how the Radio, Television and Cinema department was affected by the pandemic process and what changes he foresees in this area after the pandemic.

On 17.03.2021, at 13:30, the Acting Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Participating in the online interview with Prof. Dr. Şükran Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp was the department heads of the Fine Arts Faculty, as well as academicians and students of the department.

FAF Acting Dean Prof. Dr. Şükran Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp, in her statement pointing out the healing role of art during the pandemic period; “People discovered their own creativity and talents during the stay at home. The interest and love of families and students in art increased. Culture, art and design emerged as a unifying effect because it provided spiritual motivation. Many studies reveal the gains related to the pandemic period. Three main achievements are mentioned in these studies. These; achievements related to technology, health and art. In other words, it is possible to say that the pandemic feeds art in a way.” gave his words.

In the conversation where the future of Fine Arts departments after the pandemic was discussed, faculty dean Prof. Dr. Şükran Güzin Ilıcak Aydınalp's statements, Asst. Prof. Dr. Önder Paker made statements.

Head of Radio, Television and Cinema Department, Asst. Prof. Dr. Önder Paker said, “The cinema sector has been the sector most negatively affected by the pandemic. Humans are necessary for the art of cinema to exist. It is a job that emerges with emotions in the set environment where people come together. If this does not happen, only animation and cartoons remain, and the art of cinema cannot exist.” used his words.

The event ended after Lecturer Emel Tozlu Öztay thanked the GSF Acting Dean, Deputy Dean and Department Heads for their participation.