Istanbul Gelisim University (IGU) Faculty of Fine Arts (GSF) Graphic Design Department Research Assistant Zeynep Abacı, Assoc. Dr. Mehmet Şükrü Bellibaş attended the webinar titled 'Publishing Strategies in Qualified International Journals'. Edited by Sobiad Citation Index, Assoc. Dr. The SOBIAD Academy Webinar Series on "Publishing Strategies for Publishing in Qualified International Journals", presented by Mehmet Şükrü Bellibaş, shed light on academics with the large number of participants and Bellibaş's fluent presentation.
During the webinar, Bellibaş touched upon concepts such as introduction, summary writing, highlights, unstructured abstract, and structured abstract, and gave information on what/how the quantitative and qualitative features of the literature should be. Focusing on the points to be considered while determining the conceptual framework and common mistakes, Bellibaş shared detailed information about the anatomy of a text prepared for publication.
Emphasizing the importance of every academician and researcher following qualified journals published in their field, Bellibaş underlined that qualified academic publications can be easily accessed on the web.
Talking about the preparation stages for publication after creating the text in terms of form and content, Bellibaş shared examples about the situations that may be encountered at the referee stage. While emphasizing that all academics who want to make quality publications in international journals should have a good command of foreign languages and literature, he suggested that it is necessary to be patient and follow the guidelines carefully during this process.
Towards the end of the program, the webinar ended after the questions from the participants were answered.