Asst. Prof. Erdem Çağla, Res. Asst. Ceren İren, Res. Asst. Dilara Mataracı and “Alkan Ajans Tic. Ltd. Sti.” Ahmet Alkan, Chairman of the Board of Directors. The meeting, which was held on April 17, 2023, at 13:00 on Google Meet, started with the speech of Department Head Assoc. Prof. Metin KUŞ, emphasizing the importance of internship for students to benefit from the knowledge and experience of professionals in the field. In addition to activities such as meetings, conversations or workshops aimed at bringing students and professionals together, the importance of internships where students gain professional experience was emphasized. Asst. Prof.Erdem Çağla, Deputy Head of the Department, drew attention to the importance of these activities in order to enable the student to acquire a vision.
Ahmet Alkan, the founder of Alkan Agency, emphasized that all businesses need trainee students, and the need for manpower to be trained, and mentioned that students should undergo qualified internships in order to specialize in their fields. Pointing out that intern students should not be seen as professionals who can do anything and that employers should be open to mistakes, he drew attention to the importance of internship companies.
At the meeting, which aims to bring students and employers together, it is planned to hold an introductory meeting with students in the 2023-2024 Fall term, with the transition to face-to-face education. In addition, Ahmet Alkan stated that he will provide necessary opportunities for students to do qualified internships and it was decided to sign an external stakeholder protocol for all activities to be carried out in this regard.
As Istanbul Gelişim University, Faculty of Fine Arts, we would like to thank Soner Ahmet Alkan, Head of the Graphic Design Department and Alkan Agency Board of Directors, for his efforts to bring the industry and students together.